"You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money"

-Edward Lewis
~Richard Gere in Pretty Woman

Saturday, December 9, 2017

To the Bone (2017)

This year, I had a hard year. I have struggled with the idea of my body image for the majority of 2017. Am I too fat? Am I pretty enough? Am I enough in general? Then I stopped and thought to myself. I am beautiful. I am enough. I am loved. I am happy. Everything else will fall into place. Like myself, a lot of women struggle with the idea of beauty in this twisted world. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. It took a lot for me to realize that. It is still a fighting battle every single day. But its a struggle I face with pride. 
With these thoughts disturbing so many incredible humans around the world, I try to stay away from movies that deal with mental illness. I know so many people with mental illnesses from OCD to severe depression to bulimia. Its a sad reality. So for my entertainment purposes, I stay away from those kind of films. This one caught my attention though. 
While Lily Collins played a spectacular role, there were moments that were hard to watch. There were moments that I wish I could’ve gone through the screen and hugged Ellen (played by Lily Collins). Ellen is a young girl who struggles with Anorexia. Her disorder has gotten so bad that she is on the verge of losing not only everyone she loves but her own life. She has to be stronger than her illness.

As Ellen struggles with her battles, she goes to a group home where she meets other teenagers suffering with their own battles. The doctor in charge of the home, Dr. Beckham (Keanu Reeves), takes an interest to Ellen and starts pushing her to fight for her life. The acting in this movie was so well done. Lily Collins was stunning. She displayed true human emotions through a screen, something actors work their entire lives to accomplish.

 It was such a beautiful movie. 
Mental Illness can reach anyone. Mental illness is not racist or prejudice. It does not pick and choose. It attacks and destroyed those who fall.  Rich. Poor. Black. White. Skinny. Curvy. 
All that one can do is be aware of what Mental illnesses are out there, how to help and surround yourself with love and support.
Please, if anyone you know or if you need help, reach out. There are people that will help.
Suicide Hotline - 1-800-273-8255 
I highly recommend this movie. 
7 out of 10 unicorns
And if I could ask everyone of you to just remember how beautiful you are. Man or Woman. You are someones world. <3 
Spread Love. Not Hate.

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