"You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money"

-Edward Lewis
~Richard Gere in Pretty Woman

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Elf (2003)

You are all cotton-headed ninny-muggins! I forget how funny this movie is. I did have two glasses of wine prior to watching this movie - but I don’t think that impaired my judgment...by much.

Buddy (Will Ferrell) is a human that accidentally ended up in the North pole. He was raised by Elves and lived his life believing he was one of them. When he discovers that he, in fact, is a human he sets out to New York City to find his long-lost father. Writer David Berenbaum did a good job writing this story. It is cute, clever and tons of fun. I don't know if he expected Elf to get as much hype as it has gotten but it really turned into a holiday classic that families all over the world watch every year.

To begin - and PLEASE don’t hate me - I am not a fan of Will Ferrell’s comedy. I do admit he is a very funny fella. (Will, I give credit where credit is due!). I am just not too fond of slapstick comedies. But, Will Ferrell did a spectacular job in this movie. He made it simple to love and have compassion for Buddy the Elf. He made Buddy so different yet so relatable. Zooey Deschanel plays Jovie - Buddy’s love interest- (I must sound like a negative Nancy), she falls below average in this film. I know her way she acts is quite sarcastic and dry, but for a holiday movie she could have lightened up the mood. She added no excitement to her character. Zooey’s awkwardness that she portrays on screen is usually loved by many - why do you think New Girl has lasted so long - but it didn’t fit as nice with Will’s extremely high energy character. I don’t want to be too hard on Zooey since this was still when she was finding her personal acting style - she has gotten much better!  

It has been years since I actually sat down and watched Elf in all its glory. I laughed so much (again, could of been the wine).

I highly recommend adding this movie to your holiday rotation!

7 bottles of Syrup out of 10

Later! <3

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