"You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money"

-Edward Lewis
~Richard Gere in Pretty Woman

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The PageMaster (1994)

Happy Sunday! Since I am still moving reviews over from my Tumblr, I am taking this time to really prepare myself for my 12 Days of Christmas Challenge!! I am down 4 Christmas movies I have 8 more to watch! They are fantastic! I am really excited!! While yesterday, we had winter storm Benji (hehe) I took the opportunity to watch Christmas movies all snuggled up! But since we are not on December 14 yet, here is an amazing non-Holiday movie that I HIGHLY (check it out, bold and in all caps - I am serious) recommend.
The PageMaster is so underrated that I don't think anyone I know has actually watched it or even heard of it. This is one of those animated non-Disney movies that people tend to not pay attention to - those people suck. But I am completely biased when it comes to reviewing this movie.
The movie is so creative and witty. Richard Tyler (played by Macaulay Culkin) is a cowardly boy who is scared of even his own shadow, while on an errand for his father he gets caught in a rainstorm with the only place to hide is a library. While in this seemingly ordinary library he discovered that he is trapped within the world of fiction and nonfiction with his only way of escaping is to believe in himself and conquer the three literary challenges; adventure, horror, and fantasy. The growth of Richard as a character is so well put together. He developed a second personality as the film progresses giving him a sort of edge.
God, I love this freaking movie. I also love that one of my favorite actors (Christopher Lloyd) in this movie. As a kid, I was really intrigued by the idea of animation and live action coming together. The idea of real and make believe crossing worlds was so interesting. Some of my favorite movies as an adult are actually cross-overs as well. For example, Who Framed Roger Rabbit is, to this day, one of my favorite movies. The PageMaster is a movie that any child can love and any parent can appreciate.
So again, I am biased to The PageMaster - but hey it's my blog and I can be Biased all I want!
I recommend this movie to adults and children alike. It’s about finding the courage within yourself to accomplish great things. If you have kids, let them watch this movie. It really is great!! 
8 Library Cards out of 10

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