"You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money"

-Edward Lewis
~Richard Gere in Pretty Woman

Friday, December 22, 2017

Bad Santa (2003)

Have you ever watched something so bad but still laughed and thought ‘wow, I must be a horrible person’. This is what watching Bad Santa is like. 

Billy Bob Thornton is all sorts of dirty in this movie. Along with Bernie Mac and Tony Cox, this trio makes this movie fucking side-hurting funny. Billy Bob plays Willie, who is an alcoholic and a sex addict who works with fellow con man Marcus (played by Tony Cox). Both set up as Santa and Santa’s Helper at different malls around the United States and rob them every Christmas Eve.  During their plan to rob a mall, Marcus and Willie get themselves into an unfortunate situation- a crooked security guard (played by Bernie Mac-RIP) wants half of their winnings and a troubled little boy wants nothing more than to befriend Santa.

This movie is so bad that it’s good. So creative and dirty. Billy Bob does a great job of making you feel gross in all the right places. The thought that was put into setting this cast up together really pulled this movie through. This was one of those moments in Hollywood where if the cast would have been different by just one person, this entire movie would have tanked.  By far one of the better dark humor Christmas movies out there. There are so many Christmas movies for kids that it was about time they threw out a Christmas movie for adults. 

This movie really is a great addition to your Christmas rotation. Make sure the kids are not around for this one.

7 dirty Santa suits out of 10


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