"You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money"

-Edward Lewis
~Richard Gere in Pretty Woman

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Last Holiday (2006)

Before we start I have to say that the reason I chose this movie was for the sole purpose that I absolutely LOVE Queen Latifah. With that being said, I had totally forgotten that she did a Christmas movie. It wasn’t till I googled Christmas movies that Last Holiday came up.

Holiday Rom-Coms are always an easy go to. They are fun and quirky and just all around feel goods. This Rom-Com was just okay. It was completely predictable. Queen Latifah plays Georgia, who is so uptight and stressed out all the time. When she finds out she has a terminal illness and only has three weeks to live she wants to enjoy all the things she was always too scared to do. 

God, I love Queen Latifah, but there was no saving this movie. The plot was completely predictable and kind of annoying. You know that because she is dying that everything is going to go just as planned. The character that was Georgia’s love interest, Sean (played by LL Cool J - this man is unbelievably gorgeous!), was so boring. While I am not going to spoil the ending to you because I’m not that kind of monster, the ending did not faze me at all! There was no OOMPH! It was just alright. Acting wise - Queen Latifah did well, as she always does, she has a knack for making people laugh naturally and LL Cool J was honestly just there as handsome love interest - Sorry J but I'm being honest.

Pro: GĂ©rard Depardieu is in this movie! 

This movie did produce some giggles which means it wasn’t a complete waste of time but, It is a movie that could easily fall through the cracks if no one mentions it for a while- you know kinda how I forgot it existed. 

5.5 roasted quails out of 10


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