"You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money"

-Edward Lewis
~Richard Gere in Pretty Woman

Friday, December 8, 2017

Not So Shitty Introduction

My name is Jennifer. I am a 20 something-year-old trying to become a someone in the world. 

This blog was an idea that sprouted after finding that friend after friend would call/text/email me to ask me about movies or shows. For a while, I would answer and give them my own review on how I felt about that certain movie/actor. Then a light bulb went off!! There are a million people who want to be critics, but there is just one who can give a critique like mine! So here I am.

A little history about Jennifer:

Like I said, I am a 20 something-year-old living in New Jersey. I am originally from Miami but spreading my wings in New York.

I am a student and I work full time so while in the mist of school and work, Netflix and I started an intimate relationship and now a hundred movies and even more TV shows later, I am writing to all of you. 

My first goal to this was to actually watch EVERY movie in the National Film Registry and give a critique on every single one. Well, have any of you actually looked at the National Film Registry? Its 23 pages long - try explaining to your boss - what you are printing that is 23 pages long. 

The National Film Registry is a beautiful list of films that have shaped human culture to who we are today with some of the most important movies being viewed as part of our history. From the first film to the first stop-action motion picture to the Top gun (yup, it was added last year) these movies hold a special place in my heart. While I might have a special respect for these films, my brain will just sometimes go for the Jim Carrey comedy instead of the Clark Gable romance, so with that being said, I slowed down my goal of watching EVERY single film on the list and basically just having some fun with the films I watch daily. Of course, I do bring out my list every now and then and neatly highlight the movies I have watched - with the date - and a heart - and I think I might have an OCD problem. 

This is only meant to be fun. A way to express myself and to have a community where movies can bring people together! I am always up for recommendations! (those are usually my favorite movies!)

Hope Y'all Enjoy!! 

P.S. - i never say Y'all

P. S.S  - Why is the little voice in my head all of a sudden southern?

P.S.S.S -  OMG! Identity crisis. 


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