"You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money"

-Edward Lewis
~Richard Gere in Pretty Woman

Monday, December 11, 2017

The Illusionist (2006)

Back to the grind of the work week! Happy Monday everyone! Its been a relaxing weekend to what is going to be a stressful week. My finals are closing in and Friday will be my last exam for the semester. With everything going on, I will still make some time to fill you guys in on all these fun films! 
At the turn of the century, Eisenheim (Edward Norton) is an illusionist, but not just any illusionist, the best there is, that is until he gets the attention of the ruthless crown prince Leopold (Rufus Sewell). A man who is as jealous as he is dangerous. He is determined to destroy Eisenheim, but Eisenheim has other plans in store.
With all the big names in the movie, it is impossible to at any point say this is a bad movie. The star-studded cast includes Edward Norton, Jessica Biel, Paul Giamatti and Rufus Sewell, which in combination create a magical experience. 
On to the actors, Edward Norton, what is there bad to say about this man other than nothing. He is so pure and complete in this role that you actually forget Edward Norton is just another actor on the screen and believe that Eisenheim is a real individual. This movie portrays itself as a romantic period piece while adding a bit of flair and mystery. Jessica Biel, who plays Eisenheim's love interest, did a spectacular job in this as well (her accent was a little annoying, they could’ve done without and she would have been just as amazing). Jessica's character, the love-struck Sophie is stuck between following her heart and following her legacy, leaving her to choose between Prince Leopold or Magician Eisenheim. On to my favorite actor of the film, Paul Giamatti. Paul plays the head of the police department who is doing right by following the crowned princes order but comes to the realization that the prince may not be as innocent as he says he is. He was a character you wanted to hate but also hated that you loved.
The overall story was pretty intriguing. The cinematography alone was flawless. The only complain, which isn't even that bad, is that the beginning seems to drag just a tab bit, once it picks up it shows no mercy. Other than that, I have nothing bad to say about this film.

I recommend this movie to all the Sherlocks of the world, who are always out for a romantic mystery.
8 Orange Trees out of 10
-Remember, still open for recommendations for my 12 Days of Christmas!!

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