"You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money"

-Edward Lewis
~Richard Gere in Pretty Woman

Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Christmas Prince (2017)

I am really excited to be starting the 12 days of Christmas with all of you! ! I love the holidays season, it is a time when we can put aside our childish behavior and remember that family is one of the most important things in the world. Whether it be blood family, extended family, or friend family - family is family.

The day of winter storm Benji, I did nothing but eat and watch movies, giving me plenty of time to catch up on my Christmas movies. This was one of them.

Amber (played by Rose Mclver) is an amateur reporter that would do anything to advance her career. When she gets assigned a case to go interview the playboy Prince of Aldovia (played by Ben Lamb), not only is she nervous, but desperate to get herself a story. Being the bad boy that the media portrays him to be, Prince Richard skips out on the press interview leaving Amber with a decision, does she stay and fight for a story or does she go home without one?  Amber decides to go undercover as the tutor of the prince's younger sister Princess Emily (Played by Honor Kneafsey).

So cute yet so predictable. The characters were so flat and boring. The most interesting character was the King - and he was dead. Prince Richard was dry and dull, there was no depth to him and same thing happened to Amber, her character had no development. I did, in fact, enjoy Princess Emily as a character. She was a bit more interesting than the rest. The relationships between characters were forced and unsteady. The relationship Princess Emily and Amber form is so quick that it dismisses any character development we see when Amber first arrives.

Netflix should have hired some more creative writers - I do understand that there are only so many stories you can incorporate into a Christmas movie- there was a lot that could have been done to ensure this movie did not end up so bland. By the middle of the movie you already know how it is going to end. The story was there, the actors were there, it was a missed opportunity to make this movie completely original. They stuck to what was safe.

I am writing in view of what a good movie entails, now, did I like this movie though? Yes. I did. I think will become a Christmas classic. I really like sappy Christmas movies, I had fun watching this and I think a lot of you will too. Just do not expect anything out of the ordinary. Enjoy!



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